10 Traits of a Godly Man


 Has anyone ever talked to you about when and how you become a Man? How about a Godly Man? If you are like me, you were left to figure this out on your own. But God shows us what a Godly Man looks like in His instruction book, the book we know as the Bible.

The following 10 traits provide us a roadmap for both Father’s and Son’s to read, study and discuss what it means to be a Godly Man. Each trait is built on a spiritual truth that the Lord reveals to us as we study His word. Feel free to download, share, memorize and reproduce these traits in order to deepen your understanding on what it looks like to become a Godly Man. As you study them, take time to ask the Lord to strengthen you in the areas that you are falling short, becoming more like Him in the process.


May these traits encourage, bless, and challenge you to walk closer to Jesus as you study His teachings on what it looks like to be a Godly Man. 

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